[:es]Arcos de medio punto[:en]Arches in our city[:fi]Arches in our city[:]


En esta actividad se han analizado los arcos de medio punto que hay en la parte vieja de la ciudad de Pontevedra. El objetivo de este análisis es diseñar y construir un muro con un arco representativo de la ciudad, para utilizarse como decorado en una obra del grupo de teatro del centro. La actividad ha sido realizada por un equipo del IES Sanchez Cantón de Pontevedra.

Descripción de la actividad                                                   Recopilación de arcos


Vídeo explicativo del análisis de los arcos en GeoGebra:

Exposición: fotos, maquetas y póster

Normalmente, es difícil saber el grado de influencia o «inspiración» que el trabajo de un grupo de alumnos tiene sobre sus compañeros. El caso del trabajo sobre los arcos de Sara, Nuria y Sandra no es diferente. Pero en esta ocasión su trabajo ha «inspirado» un nuevo proyecto o actividad en una profesora de su colegio, con fines y objetivos diferentes a los de Arches in our city. Como la profesora Belén Herrero afirma, lo que ha visto en la exposición le ha llevado a pensar en su aplicación a un ámbito y actividad cultural y artística concreta.

«Soy profesora de lengua Castellana y Literatura del IES Sánchez Cantón de Pontevedra. También soy la directora del grupo de teatro de este Centro de enseñanza.
Como cada curso, estamos preparando una obra de teatro. La puesta en escena de la obra que estamos preparando es difícil pues en el primer acto, la acción se desarrolla en una habitación de una casa pero ya en el segundo acto, esa casa es destruída y en su lugar se construyen dos apartamentos. A partir de aquí hay una acción doble simultánea en escena. El problema estaba en la separación de esos dos espacios sin quitar visibilidad al público
Después de ver el magnífico trabajo logrado por nuestras alumnas con los arcos, se nos ocurrió la idea de hacer esa separación con un gran arco apoyado en columnas y añadirle un muro. Creo que es perfecto para crear en el espectador la ilusión de estar en dos espacios escénicos.»

Belén Herrero
Diseño y construcción del muro con el arco de medio punto para el decorado de la obra:

Resulta curioso como una actividad puede desembocar en otras actividades. En el caso de la actividad del arco de medio punto, la exposición del trabajo de las alumnas propició la propuesta de realizar uno de gran tamaño para el grupo de teatro del Instituto. Ese mismo arco realizado para el grupo de teatro, se utilizó como «puerta de entrada» a una exposición dedicada al escritor Carlos Casares, homenajeado por la Real Academia Galega (RAG) en el Día das Letras Galegas de este año 2017.

[:en]In this activity some semi-circular arches from Pontevedras was analyse.

This activity was made by one team of  IES Sanchez Cantón from Pontevedra, Spain.

Description of the activity                                                                      Poster



Exhibition: photos, material and poster




It is usually difficult to know the degree of influence or «inspiration» that the work of a group of students has on their peers. The case of the work on the arches of Sara, Nuria and Sandra is not different. But this time her work has «inspired» a new project or activity in a teacher of her school, with aims and objectives different from those of Arches in our city. As Professor Belén Herrero says, what she has seen in the exhibition has led her to think about its application to a specific cultural and artistic sphere and activity.

«I teach Spanish and Literature at IES Sánchez Cantón de Pontevedra. I am also the director of the theater group at this teaching center. Like every course, we are preparing a play. The staging of the work we are preparing is difficult because in the first act, the action takes place in a room of a house but already in the second act, that house is destroyed and instead two apartments are built. From here there is a simultaneous double action on stage. The problem was in the separation of those two spaces without removing visibility to the public After seeing the magnificent work accomplished by our students with the arches, we came up with the idea of ​​making that separation with a large arch leaning on columns and adding a wall. I think it is perfect to create in the viewer the illusion of being in two scenic spaces.»

Belén Herrero

It is curious how an activity can lead to other activities. In the case of the activity of the semicircular arch, the exposition of the students’ work propitiated the proposal to make a large one for the theater group of the Institute. This same arch for the theater group was used as a «gateway» to an exhibition dedicated to the writer Carlos Casares, honored by the Royal Academy of Galicia (RAG) on the Day Das Letras Galegas of this year 2017.

[:fi]In this activity some semi-circular arches from Pontevedras was analyse.

This activity was made by one team of  IES Sanchez Cantón from Pontevedra, Spain.

Description of the activity                                                                      Poster



Exhibition: photos, material and poster




It is usually difficult to know the degree of influence or «inspiration» that the work of a group of students has on their peers. The case of the work on the arches of Sara, Nuria and Sandra is not different. But this time her work has «inspired» a new project or activity in a teacher of her school, with aims and objectives different from those of Arches in our city. As Professor Belén Herrero says, what she has seen in the exhibition has led her to think about its application to a specific cultural and artistic sphere and activity.

«I teach Spanish and Literature at IES Sánchez Cantón de Pontevedra. I am also the director of the theater group at this teaching center. Like every course, we are preparing a play. The staging of the work we are preparing is difficult because in the first act, the action takes place in a room of a house but already in the second act, that house is destroyed and instead two apartments are built. From here there is a simultaneous double action on stage. The problem was in the separation of those two spaces without removing visibility to the public After seeing the magnificent work accomplished by our students with the arches, we came up with the idea of ​​making that separation with a large arch leaning on columns and adding a wall. I think it is perfect to create in the viewer the illusion of being in two scenic spaces.»

Belén Herrero

It is curious how an activity can lead to other activities. In the case of the activity of the semicircular arch, the exposition of the students’ work propitiated the proposal to make a large one for the theater group of the Institute. This same arch for the theater group was used as a «gateway» to an exhibition dedicated to the writer Carlos Casares, honored by the Royal Academy of Galicia (RAG) on the Day Das Letras Galegas of this year 2017.
