General Information. The BBC micro: bit

KIKS Digital Ambassadors 

The KIKS Digital Ambassadors Programme featuring BBC micro:bits is a golden opportunity for those who advise and support schools on STEAM to encourage them to do so.

unaBay House School in Gosport and Park House School in Newbury are already paving the way – and we hope many more schools will follow suit.  Both schools are pioneering a new means of harnessing student help in promoting the use of BBC micro:bits in STEM through the use of Student Digital Ambassadors (SDA).

Groups of volunteer enthusiasts drawn from Years 8 to 13 are working with their STEAM subject teachers to design cross-curricular STEAM projects using BBC micro:bits for the Year 7 or 8 students who already have them.  The SDAs are provided with kit and, just as importantly, support from external experts such as STEM Ambassadors, IET members, Enterprise Advisers, family and staff/students from local HE.  There is also a newly announceddos Micro:bit Foundation with excellent support sites here, here and here. This is a very practical contribution to helping schools support each other in developing the iSTEM+ approach to embedding STEM in the curriculum for all learners 5-19.  Gomer Junior School in Gosport is already putting that into practice at KS2 through its gSTEM initiative.

We are offering: a three-stage three-month activity consisting of:

  1. Kick-Off Session with BBC micro:bits and problem challengetres
  2. Visits and on-line activities to collaborate and make content available on-line including international collaboration
  3. Multiplier events for 50 or more students to present and share achievements, including live international collaboration.

You can also find much more information in these three excellent documents!

Digital Ambassadors for Schools

Getting going with BBC micro_bit

Cross-curricular STEM activities with microbits

CONTACT Tony Houghton for further information